convertor machine

How to convert a PDF to PPT

Today I found myself with a little task at hand and while I was surfing the web looking for the best option I have decided to document…

Rocket read to lift off

How to install Stable Diffusion on Windows.

Ok so this past few days I have been messing around with my local install of Stable Diffusion UI and I ended up messing something so I’ve…


How to install NVM on windows

Today’s blog post is going to be a short one based on little issue I just had while setting up my environment to work with a new…

circular fantasy pin

How to resize an image in Photoshop

If you want to quickly resize an image in Photoshop without using the crop tool, there are several methods you can use. In this blog post, we…

iPhone multicolor

How to close apps on iPhone 12

If you have purchased an iPhone 12 and are wondering how to close apps on it, you’ve come to the right place! Closing apps on the iPhone…

speech bubble

How to pin a comment on Instagram

As a more or less new Instagram user I realized that there is this option to pin comments so if I find them relevant to my post…

Space mix

How to use embeddings on Stable diffusion, locally

Is Christmas day and I know that everyone is running around getting ready to spend some family time or just relax for the next couple of days…

neon bubble

[ Dreambooth training ] How to fix the “out of memory” error when training a new model on SD

This is going to be a short one but one that I sure will come back often. I have a 12GB video card Nvidia RTX 3060, I…

speech bubble

How to mute someone on Instagram

Yesterday I posted a short guide about deleting a comment on Instagram, however sometimes we want a little more than that for instance not to see the…

trash can speech bubbles on top

How to delete a comment in Instagram

The internet is full with haters and trolls, they are pretty much waiting around the corner and start showing up once you start getting some sort of…